Forgive my inability to keep my silent. Bukan maksud mau sotoy juga… cuma pengen sharing pemikiran & analisa. Mungkin tidak berdasar karena gw ngga tau harus bersandar atau merujuk ke teori organisasi yang mana. All I know is, something wrong is indeed going on in the organization where the above chart is made as temporary structure for a project. Dan lucunya, ‘sesuatu yang salah’ itu bisa kelihatan pada bagan organisasi yang dirancang ini. For your info, there have been several ‘funny charts’ like this one across the organization. So perhaps, there is indeed the same problem going on across the organization.
You see the part in the red box? Where a number of positions represented as small blue boxes have dotted reporting line to one particular position?
I’m gonna read it this way: SB is accountable for a job, and reports to BK, but at the same time, SB must also reports to RS. At this point, one problem is encountered: when does SB report to BK and when to RS? Not to mention that it's not supposed to be about the incumbent at all. It's supposed to be solely about the jobs. What needs to be done.
The same thing applies to the rest of the blue boxes having a dotted reporting line.
Let me just jump to the point right now. So… are you smelling it already?
For me, it’s quite apparent that the root cause of this organization is actually DISTRUST.
Kenapa ada distrust?
Karena para manager ngga puas dengan kinerja subordinate nya.
Kenapa kinerja subordinatenya ngga memuaskan?
Karena mereka ngga kompeten.
Kenapa ngga kompeten tapi ada di posisi itu? Right now, I still don’t have an answer to this question. Why are we keep putting the wrong people at the wrong place? And can this be stopped?
Gallup udah punya teori tentang Right Fit. Tapi rupanya belum semua orang (Human Capital khususnya) punya ‘belief’ yang sama. Sebagian masih belum mau move on dari kepercayaan nenek moyang mereka, bahwa ‘kamu pasti bisa kalau kamu mau’.
Gw sadar bahwa berharap seseorang bisa 100% kompeten itu hanya akan membawa setiap manager ke jurang keputusasaan. Nobody is 100% competent. Sama seperti ngga ada manusia yang ngga punya dosa. As simple as that.
Jadi gimana kalo ngga 100% kompeten? Well, kita masih punya 60%, 70% dan 80%. Plus… PASSION and INTEREST!
Ngga ada orang yang selalu benar, atau ngga pernah bikin salah. Yang penting, pada saat dia bikin kesalahan, dia tau emang itu salah, dan belajar ‘yang benernya’.
Karena manusia itu kompleks, kadang ngga segampang itu untuk membuat seseorang mau belajar atau untuk membuat dia sadar kalau dia bikin salah, atau untuk melihat kompetensi dan bakat seseorang. Di situ kita butuh para ‘orang bijak’ yang punya higher understanding yang diperoleh dari: bakat alami, pengalaman hidup, pendidikan dll. Yang cukup paham caranya mengarahkan orang lain untuk belajar dan menjadi lebih kompeten. Yang cocok dan sangat direkomendasikan untuk jadi pimpinan alias leader.
JADI, at the end of the day, it’s the quality of the leaders that matter first. After that, the leaders will seek and develop the competencies, giving their best efforts to put the right person in the right place.
Yeah, well… I know. Easier said than done.
Anyway… it’s just a thought from a mere idealist dreamer who can’t stop thinking that there is such a place called paradise. (nothing to do with religion or faith).
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