Thursday, March 18, 2010

Another Day in the Cubicle

Oh… these numbers…
Such dreary numbers before my drowsy eyes
My passion has been dried out
Nothing is left there to spark the flame
I watch them in dislike
From behind the cage of disillusionment
Of the inability to unite with my true aim

She looks so orange today…
U huh… sweet like the fruit
With tiny colorful buttons in her belly

Back to the bulk of numbers
Hideous numbers
Meaningless of them
Somebody please tell me
Why do I end up here?

Can’t you do something to deliver me from these numbers?
‘Coz they’re dragging me down
From someone to no one
From something to nothing
What I need are words
Them, and more of them!


  1. widya, r u an accountant?
    i dont like numbers, enough working with them for almost 4 years.. :)

  2. hehe... nope, not an accountant. But I work in a bank, so everything there is about numbers. So tired of them. But a girl must make a living. Jd gmn donk? hehehe :P

  3. I have experience when working at Bank (for 5 months) So i know how u feel...try to love ur job, Widya =)

  4. @Jak. Thanks 4 ur encouragement. Yes, indeed, I must find something that can make me love my job :)

  5. wid, anytime the feeling comes again, turn around and find your cute friend behind you..
    *gua maksudnya, bukan christine! wkwkwkwk...

    btw, who's the orange girl? hmm...

  6. @lumoz: mslhnya kalo g nengok ke belakang, g cuma ngeliat belakang kepala orang2 bo, dan biasanya kepala2 itu lg nempel ke telepon. He3. Orange girl... itu hari si Santy pake baju orens, lucu d bajunya, kebetulan dia mampir ke tempat si Nina. Can't help but notice :P


Wake Up Call

Liat berita di TV pagi-pagi, lagi-lagi kasus anak bunuh ibunya. Satan is working hard indeed. And they talked about mental health. Peopl...