Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ugly Duckling

Yep, that’s how I feel right now, like an ugly duckling, stuck in the family of geese. While the rest of the family members are swimming and showing off their beautiful white feathers, I sit in the corner, and wonder why I feel so wrongly dressed.

My mother goose, pretty and kind, never stops believing in me. She taught me how to dance, to swim and be attractive, like my fellow geese are. Life was challenging around the neighborhood, for them. For me? It’s just another day worth passing. I woke up early in the morning, do what I have to do and go home to my corner where all the wrong ideas have dwelled.

At night I think, and think, and think. Is there an alien out there somewhere who can understand what I feel right now. I’m not into dancing. I hate the idea of exhausting myself swimming the great distance, and obviously, I am not attractive. So what is it then? There’s this particular dream that sneaks into my sleep at night. In that dream, I don’t swim and I don’t dance. I float. High above the water. And my neighborhood looks so tiny and of less importance.

Soon enogh, my fellow geese have moved to other parts of the neighborhood, with their spouses. They earn better living; swim wider and more beautiful lakes. With pain, I split and left my neighborhood with a hope to soar, like in my dream.

I’m seeking now, for the aliens who’d teach me how to soar.
And still dreaming…

1 comment:

  1. wew.... keren wid! i like it!
    btw, ini bukan curahan hati kan ttg lu sendiri kan? hahaha...


Wake Up Call

Liat berita di TV pagi-pagi, lagi-lagi kasus anak bunuh ibunya. Satan is working hard indeed. And they talked about mental health. Peopl...