Buat penutupan taon 2010.
Lagi pengen nginget2 perjalanan gue membaca novel. Kadang gue amazed ama ingetan gue waktu gue masih kecil. Karena sampe gue udah bangkotan kayak sekarang, gue masih inget judul novel Lima Sekawan yang gue baca pertama kali waktu gue kelas III SD. Judulnya: Misteri Harta Warisan. Gue inget itu buku sampulnya warna ungu (what a coincidence, I’m a purple lover), gue minjem dari temen gue yang juga tergila-gila sama cerita misteri. Akhirnya gue dan temen gue itu bikin geng yang kita namain Lima Sekawan. Tapi sayang kurang Dick ama Timmy. Kayaknya sih sebenernya si Timmy ada, karena temen gue yang minjemin buku Lima Sekawan itu setau gue punya anjing. Cuma jaman dulu, pulang sekolah ngga ada istilah kelayapan ke rumah temen, in such a young age. So, keberadaan Timmy Cuma samar-samar alias ngga jelas buat gue.
Sejak Misteri Harta Warisan, gue jadi keranjingan novel-novel sejenis gitu. Akhirnya berlanjut sama seri Lima Sekawan laen, mulai dari versi penerusnya Enid Blyton, versi aslinya Enid Blyton yang ternyata lebih down to earth dibanding versi penerusnya, sampe ke seri-seri lain karyanya doi. Ada Pasukan Mau Tahu, seri petualangan yang melibatkan 4 orang anak dan 1 ekor burung kakaktua, seri Malory Towers, Empat Siaga.
Sekitar kelas 4 or 5 SD, gue mulai penasaran sama novel-novel Agatha Christie yang sering banget dipelototin cici gue yang maniak novel. Hampir tiap hari dia baringan di atas tempat tidur sambil baca. Bikin gue sebel karena sementara gue bosen ngga ada yang ngajak maen, dia malah seru sendiri ama bukunya yang sampul and judulnya very very intriguing. Mrs. Mc Ginty Sudah Mati. Gitu judulnya. Terus gue nanya ama cici gue, emangnya itu novel-novel Agatha Christie cerita setan ya? Kata cici gue bukan, cerita pembunuhan. Dan dengan bolotnya gue nanya lagi, kenapa juga pembunuhan kok ceritanya ribet banget sampe novelnya setebel-tebel gitu. Pembunuhan ya simple aja kan, ada pembunuhnya, terus ada yang mati, abis itu yang membunuh ditangkep polisi. Jawaban cici gue lebih simple lagi. Yah, pembunuhnya kan akan bikin sedemikian rupa supaya ngga ketauan. Hmm... akhirnya mulailah gue merambah dunia misteri yang lebih pelik garapan the Queen of Crimes. Tiap kali gue nyampe di halaman terakhir, gue cuma bisa terbengong-bengong, sambil ngomel-ngomel sewot, kok bisa-bisanya gue kaga nebak siapa pembunuhnya. Setelah beberapa buku, gue kira gue mulai ngerti pola pikirnya Ms Christie. But no. Never! Aaaaaaaa... Gue ngga pernah berhasil nebak pembunuhnya. Rasa kagum itu pun tumbuh terhadap sang maestro pengarang cerita kriminil itu. Kok bisa sih??? Sekitar 30 novelnya Agatha Christie gue embat. Pembunuhan ABC, Misteri Karibia, Pembunuhan di Mesopotamia, Pembunuhan di Sungai Nil, Mereka Datang ke Bagdad, Tragedi Tiga Babak, Misteri Tujuh Lonceng, A Pocket Full of Rye, Pembunuhan atas Roger Ackroyd, Pembunuhan di Pondokan Mahasiswa, Gajah Selalu Ingat, Death Comes as the End. And masih banyak lagi yang gue ngga inget lagi judulnya.
Novel Amerika pertama yang gue baca itu adalah seri Trio Detektif karangan Alfred Hitchcock. Misteri Nuri Gagap, Nyanyian Kobra, dan laen-laen. Gue lupa judul-judulnya tapi gue inget nama penerusnya Mr. Hitchcock yang ngelanjutin serial Trio Detective. Hector Sebastian. Tapi gue prefer versi aslinya Hitchcock, entah kenapa, di tangan Hector Sebastian, ada sesuatu yang serasa ilang dari Trio Detective. Greget misterinya mungkin kurang.
Lanjut ke negeri Jerman di mana gue mulai dengan Penujum Buta nya Stefan Wolf. Gengnya terdiri dari 4 anak remaja dan 1 anjing. Ada Sporty, Thomas, Oscar dan Petra. That’s right guys. Novelnya STOP. Novelis kedua yang karyanya paling banyak gue baca setelah Agatha Christie.
Gue kenal Sidney Sheldon awalnya dari miniseri di RCTI yang judulnya If Tommorrow Comes yang dilakonin sama Tom Berenger dan Madolyn Smythe. Dan dari dongengan cici gue (again) tentang the Sands of Time. Novel doi yang gue baca sendiri cuma 1, yang judulnya Konspirasi Hari Kiamat. Kebetulan waktu itu gue lagi keranjingan isu-isu UFO (gubrag). Setelah yang itu, karya2 om Sheldon cuma gue kenal lewat film or cerita orang-orang. Maap, genrenya ngga gitu cocok ama selera gue.
Kemudian datanglah Mary Higgins Clark. Si New Yorker gaek yang satu ini tulisannya sedikit mirip ama Ratu Kriminil gue (tante Christie). Tapi kalo Clark lebih fokus ke thrillernya. Misterinya sendiri ngga nyaingin Christie. Tapi tetep, keren. Genre nya masuk ke gue. Judul novelnya dia selalu diambil dari judul lagu taon 70-an. While You Were Sleeping, You Belong To Me, All Around the Town, Love to Sing Love to Dance, dll.
Pengalaman gue yang paling berkesan sepanjang sejarah pembacaan novel adalah waktu pertama kali gue nyoba baca novelnya Anne Rice, yang judulnya Interview with the Vampire. Waktu itu kayaknya gue kelas II or III SMP. Bukunya minjem dari tempat sewa buku deket kampus cici gue. Terus terang sebenernya gue ngga bisa berenti baca tu buku. Tapi mungkin saking tajamnya pena Mrs Rice, gue mulai hanyut kebawa emosi waktu Louise si Vampire menggambarkan bagaimana dia melihat matahari terbitnya yang terakhir. Dan waktu gue bangun tidur gue kebayang-bayang ama suramnya cerita Louise, trus gue jd stress. Then I decided to stop reading the book. Years after, waktu filmnya udah dijual bebas di DVD bajakan, baru gue berani nonton tu film, bareng-bareng ama orang serumah. Not that I’m scared of the vampires. But the gloomy feeling I couldn’t handle before. Tapi untungnya nonton itu pengalaman yang jauhhhhh berbeda dengan membaca. Dengan nonton, emosi loe lebih aman. Loe bisa stay di luar, ngga perlu terperosok dalem-dalem.
To be continued...
Monday, December 27, 2010
Friday, December 24, 2010
An Evening before Christmas
Dec 24th 2010
Dearest J,
It’s Ur 2010th anniversary already. Time does fly before we know it. Yeah… U told me about it once in Your book.
Anyway, it’s so splendid down here. With all the Christmas trees, the caroling choirs, the presents and all. It ain’t snowing around here. But I think I can imagine how it feels like, the cold snow in the winter. The warm fireplace…
I’m sure U can see it all. And I hope U’re happy with all the celebration we held for You.
I know, it was kinda different on the day You were born. But hey, remember the brightest star that shone upon Your birthplace? Our glittering trees and lamps can never beat that one for sure. And the troops of angles who were singing in the sky for You? Bet no choir here on Earth can rival their voices. And the three rich gentlemen who’d traveled far just to see You and give You expensive presents. Your folks must have been so delighted by their visit then.
J, I just wanna say thanks. You make everyday a gift for me. Sorry if I get too busy that I ignore You sometimes. It’s not that I forget You or anything. Perhaps I’m just too sure that You never remove me from Your best friends list no matter what. J, it’s just so hard being You. I wish I can cheer You up when You’re troubled. But many times I find myself being cheered by You instead. And I don’t remember when’s the last time I ever help You with anything while You’re never absent when I needed help.
I just want You to know that You are and will always be my best of the best friend. In Your birthday, I wish that all your best friends will love You more. I wish more people become Your best friends. Give my warmest regards to Your wonderful folks. And J, take care of my loved ones at Your house right now. How’s the party goin’ on up there? Just as splendid I’m sure.
Happy Birthday J. You rock my world.
Love forever,
Dearest J,
It’s Ur 2010th anniversary already. Time does fly before we know it. Yeah… U told me about it once in Your book.
Anyway, it’s so splendid down here. With all the Christmas trees, the caroling choirs, the presents and all. It ain’t snowing around here. But I think I can imagine how it feels like, the cold snow in the winter. The warm fireplace…
I’m sure U can see it all. And I hope U’re happy with all the celebration we held for You.
I know, it was kinda different on the day You were born. But hey, remember the brightest star that shone upon Your birthplace? Our glittering trees and lamps can never beat that one for sure. And the troops of angles who were singing in the sky for You? Bet no choir here on Earth can rival their voices. And the three rich gentlemen who’d traveled far just to see You and give You expensive presents. Your folks must have been so delighted by their visit then.
J, I just wanna say thanks. You make everyday a gift for me. Sorry if I get too busy that I ignore You sometimes. It’s not that I forget You or anything. Perhaps I’m just too sure that You never remove me from Your best friends list no matter what. J, it’s just so hard being You. I wish I can cheer You up when You’re troubled. But many times I find myself being cheered by You instead. And I don’t remember when’s the last time I ever help You with anything while You’re never absent when I needed help.
I just want You to know that You are and will always be my best of the best friend. In Your birthday, I wish that all your best friends will love You more. I wish more people become Your best friends. Give my warmest regards to Your wonderful folks. And J, take care of my loved ones at Your house right now. How’s the party goin’ on up there? Just as splendid I’m sure.
Happy Birthday J. You rock my world.
Love forever,
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Last Breath
Jesus came to me
and He whispered
So that I would not be afraid
He told me that once, He also died.
and He whispered
So that I would not be afraid
He told me that once, He also died.
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